Dynamic characteristics of galvanometric scanner for laser surface treatment

Optical and optical-electronic devices and complexes


Giliazov M. R.*, Nagulin K. Y.**, Gilmutdinov A. H.***

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia

*e-mail: mrgilyazov@kai.ru
**e-mail: knagulin@mail.ru
***e-mail: albert.gilmutdinov@kai.ru


A high-speed galvanometer scanner for laser technological equipment was developed. Closed-loop type of galvo was selected for the précised localization of laser beam on an object surface. For angle measurement, high-speed capacitive sensor was used. This galvo presents the conjugation of a metallic rotor and stator, consisted of permanent magnets, stator plates of a special shape, and a coil.

To enhance the resonant frequency the torsion bar was fixed to the rotor end. On its other end the mirror was fixed.

The scanner ensures a deflection angle of the laser beam within the range of ±22.5° with maximum frequency of 285 Hz. The scanner dynamic characteristics were obtained by numerical simulation. The galvo resonant frequency was evaluated with the damped oscillations analysis. As the initial conditions, the magnetic field distribution precalculated in the stationary state by the MUMPS method was taken in the simulated device. Further, the time calculation was also performed using the MUMPS method, with a time step sufficient for analysis.

After that, the control signal was optimized with the help of PID-regulation of the supplied current. The criterion of optimality was the maximum linearity of the motion of the scanner’s rotor.

The change in the magnetic flux during the oscillation process over time was studied. The time for establishing the forced oscillations amplitude of the rotor (0.02 s) was estimated.


galvo scanner, laser processing, control, numerical simulation


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