Design parameters evaluation of small reentry vehicle with account for initial data uncertainty

System analysis, control and data processing


Torres Sanchez C. G.1, Vorontsov V. A.2*

1. National Council on Science and Technology (CONACYT), Mexico City, Mexico
2. Lavochkin Research and Production Association, NPO Lavochkin, 24, Leningradskay str., Khimki, Moscow region, 141400, Russia



The article presents the analysis of trajectory parameters of a small reentry vehicle along a ballistic trajectory with account for the most significant perturbing factors, and calculation of their impact on the spacecraft mass.

The standard engineering models were applied to compute the thermal fluxes along the descending trajectory to compute the mass of the front shield of the thermal protection system. A method based on the Pflanz-Ludke method was applied to compute the parachute system parameters.

To obtain preliminary estimates of the design parameters three approaches were provided:

  • An approach to the design parameters definition at a nominal trajectory,

  • An approach to the design parameters selection from the extreme conditions,

  • A probabilistic approach with account for the random nature of severe environment.

The design parameters computing in extreme (worst) conditions was being performed in such a way that of each parameter deviation led to the more severe conditions.

A probabilistic approach was performed using the equivalent perturbations, also called the Dostupov method. This method is used for statistical analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems. The essence of these methods is based on the fact, that instead of random realizations of parameters, as it is done in the Monte Carlo method, nonrandom quantities, called equivalent perturbations, are pre-computed in advance. These equivalent perturbations are added to, or computed from mathematical expectations. With these parameter values, the value of the function Y is calculated. Then, the required probabilistic characteristics are formulated.

The results of the study revealed that the equivalent perturbation method application allows saving from 2% to 4% on the mass of the reentry vehicle.


small reentry vehicle, parachute systems, equivalent perturbations method


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