Multi-channel detector's analysis results application for evaluation of a rank demodulator noise immunity

Methods and systems of information protection, information security


Beltyukov S. V.1*, Philatov V. I.2**, Borukaeva A. O.2***, Berdikov P. G.2****

1. Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forses named after Petr Veliky, 9/5, Kitaygorodsky Proezd, Moscow, 109074, Russia
2. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia



Characteristics of multi-channel detectors were studied to solve the problem of the valid signal detecting on the background noise. The proposed employing a rank demodulator for ensuring high noise immunity of communication channels. The results of multi-channel detector’s analysis were used to evaluate this characteristic. The conclusion is being made on the preferential use of the rank demodulator based on the study of the dependence of an error equivalent probability per information bit from the signal/noise ratio. A scheme for its application realizing reciprocal ranks computing is proposed. The article presents design equations for the error probability, probability of a summed rank presence it the signal channel and mutual probability of noise ranks with account for envelope distribution for the case of common ranking of an array consisted of kM counts of the envelope. The dependencies of error probability per bit of information for the rank modulator are also presented. A conclusion is being made that the rank modulator with a total ranking throughout the array of samples has the best noise immunity.


signal, noise immunity, rank demodulator, multi-channel detector, signal/noise ratio, error probability, envelope


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