Width evaluation of contact zone between flat-oval cooling channels and transmitting module case of active phased-array antenna

Dynamics, strength of machines, instruments and equipment


Dobryansky V. N.1*, Rabinsky L. N.1**, Radchenko V. P.1***, Solyaev Y. O.2****

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. Institute of Applied Mechanics of Russian Academy of Science, IPRIM RAS, 7, Leningradskiy Prospekt, Moscow, 125040, Russia

*e-mail: dobryanskijvn@mai.ru
**e-mail: rabinskiy@mail.ru
***e-mail: radchenko.v@radiofizika.com
****e-mail: yos@iam.ras.ru


The layout of modern digital active phased antenna arrays involves transceivers and digital control circuits placing on the antenna canvas in each radiator, which leads to its dense filling and, consequently, intense heating. Thus, the task of heat power removing from the antenna comes to the fore and requires the development of effective thermal control systems that meet not only the requirements for active phased antenna arrays cooling intensity, but also for reliability, maintainability, structural strength under high-cycle loading conditions, etc.

The article presents a technique for deformable thin-walled cooling channels, used in mobile radar stations thermal control systems, modeling. In the idle state, the cooling channels are placed between the receiving and transmitting modules of active phased antenna arrays with small gaps, which allows their convenient installing and maintenance. While operation, the coolant hydrostatic pressure is injected into the channels, causing the channels to deform and contact the walls of the receiving-transmitting modules, ensuring the discharge of the generated heat to the external cooling system. One of the main parameters characterizing the heat dissipation intensity is the contact zone width, realized between the channels and the walls of the receiving and transmitting modules. The article solves the problem of determining this parameter. It considers the contact between deformable channels with a flat-oval cross-section and cooled surfaces of the heated receiving-transmitting modules of active phased antenna arrays. The problem is being solved with account for hydrostatic pressure acting inside the channels, the geometry of the channel cross sections and the gaps between the modules being cooled. The solution of the contact problem for a cylindrical non-axisymmetric shell is reduced to solving the problem of a beam deformation of unit width (cross-section contour) for the case of a plane deformed state. The solution was obtained in an implicit form since the width of the contact zone was defined as the root of a sixth degree polynomial. The dependence of the contact zone width on the geometric parameters (gaps, section dimensions) and the actual pressure was studied.


cooling channels, shell of flat-oval cross-section, contact zone width, thermal control systems


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