Problematic questions of unsteady liquid flows modes organizing while liquid systems cavities cleansing

Fluid, gas and plasma mechanics


Krovjakov V. B.*, Korolenko V. V.**, Stepanov R. N.***, Greshnov A. S.****, Rachkov P. V.*****

Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia



While performing studies in the field of improving technologies and equipment to ensure the required level of LHC induction chambers working cavities, it was found that hydrodynamic methods are the most effective from the viewpoint of quality and economy, and among them the washing method employing the unsteady fluid flow modes organization with optimal for each purification facility modes of pumping . Its disadvantage consists in the dependence of the pressure intensity and velocity oscillations, and, consequently, cleansing efficiency from the purification object design features and its geometric parameters. As the cavity being cleansed moves away from the source of vibrations their intensity decreases.

The results of the performed study allowed develop technical solution on the hydro-pulse cleansing of the HHS working cavities technology consisting in the fact that according to conventional cleansing technology by pumping through the internal cavities of the cleansed object in the unsteady mode. This unsteady mode is being created by the fluid flow rate changing from 0 to the value determined by the fluid pressure, not exceeding the pressure for the part being cleansed. A periodic change in the fluid flow rate in the maximum possible range, determined by the specified pressure, corresponds to the periodic change of its speed in the maximal possible range also.

Thus, the maximum possible velocity oscillations amplitude is reached, determining the flow degree of turbulence, tangential frictional stresses magnitude on the surface being cleansed, and other factors affecting the of contaminants breaking-off and removal intensity. In the process of studies, technical solutions on the proposed technology implementation were also developed.

Due to the insignificantly small fluid compressibility, all manipulations with its volumetric feed (and thus with speed) at the inlet of the product to be cleaned undergo infinitesimal changes as they move along the cavity of the product up to the outlet from it (unlike the pressure oscillations created by the change in the areas of the passage section). Hence, the cleansing liquid unsteady mode retains its maximum cleansing ability in all areas of the cavity being cleaned.


washing, cleansing, unsteady flow mode, industrial purity, working cavity, liquid system


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