Laser ranging systems characteristics for unmanned aerial vehicle strapdown inertial navigation system

Dynamics, ballistics, movement control of flying vehicles


Starovoitov E. I.

Radio Engineering Corporation “VEGA”, 34, Kutuzovskiy prospekt, Moscow, 121170, Russia



Further development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) includes the onboard navigation systems improvement. It is associated with broadening the tasks, performed by advanced UAVs: increasing autonomy fr om the human operator, increase in speed, radius of action, flight time and altitude range

The article studies characteristics of laser ranging systems (LRS), intended for error correction of the strapdown inertial navigation system in the UAVs onboard navigation systems. The author considered the LRS structures based on 3D Flash Ladar-technology and optical-mechanical scanners (OMS) of conventional and hybrid types.

Either Diode-pumped solid-state lasers (DPSSLs), ordiode lasers and fiber lasers can be employed in LSR. Avalanche photodiodes (APD) and PIN photodiodes can be employed for the reflected signal receiving.

The article analyzes the OMS performance. The maximum UAV’s flight speed, on which the LRS with OMS operates, is determined of the ratio of the angular resolution to the angular size of the field of view. Maximum range of LRS measurements is primarily determined by scanning speed and laser pulses’ repetition frequency, and secondly by the power of laser pulses. To expand the speed range, wh ere the conventional type of OMS can be employed, it will be necessary to narrow its angular field of view. In the same flight range of altitudes, the maximum permissible flight speed for hybrid type of OMS will be higher by an order of magnitude.

APD and PIN photodiodes can be implemented in 3D Flash Ladar systems (in which case the maximum range of measurements is reduced by an order of magnitude, as well as increase in the receiving aperture is required).

Traditional type of OMS, based on fiber laser, can be applied for operation in the range of altitudes from 0.4 to 2.0 km (from 0.2 to 1.2 km when PIN photodiodes are used) and flight speeds to 850 km/h.

Hybrid type of OMS, based on fiber laser and APD, can be applied for operation in the range of altitudes from 0.2 to 1.0 km and flight speeds up to 1300 km/h.

Characteristics analysis of of all three LRS types revealed, that the most promising was LRS structure based on hybrid type of OMS, having the highest efficiency. This structure employs fiber laser and APD.

The results of this work can be used while developing the onboard navigation systems for advanced UAVs.


laser ranging system, scanning, unmanned aerial vehicle, navigation, strapdown inertial navigation system, correction


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