System approach to the degradation processes in electrical devices

System analysis, control and data processing


Lisov A. A.*, Chernova T. A.**, Gorbunov M. S.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The presented work considers a system approach to the electric devices reliability and operating efficiency enhancing, ensuring faultlessness by forming the information computer system for analysis, modeling and evaluation of electronic devices degradation state, as well as their diagnosing and forecasting theiremr residual resource forecasting according to the simulation results. It is especially actual in aviation using such devices.

The closest prototype in relation to the system of failure prevention in technical systems being developed are the already formed and recommended approaches based on methods for complex technical systems faultlessness provision. The closest prototype on analysis and faultlessness provision of electric motors are the developments on electric motors reliability by of O. Goldberg School.

The presented work suggests the degradation deviations of stator phases voltages, and functions of rotor mechanical oscillations in the run-down mode while power supply turning-off as characteristic parameters. Information content of the induction motor characteristics in the run-down mode while supply circuit turn-off was established relatively to the subject of research. Criteria of the induction motor stop and its removal from service were established.

The system approach to the degradation processes analysis of electric devices allows:

  1. Forming imitation recurrent approach to electric devices degradation processes studying and modeling;

  2. Developing mathematical models of nonlinear degradation processes and characteristics of electric devices;

  3. Performing estimation of electric devices fault free operation and their residual resource according to the change of degradation deflection of the characteristic parameter. Such estimate employing allows significantly simplify modeling and reduce the order of the system of equations.

  4. Forming comprehensive information while the power grid turn-off in the run-down process on the induction motor functional state, the degree of degradation wearout and duration of the residual resource.

The electric devices operation efficiency is determined by the “individual tracking” of each object from the industrial batch, operating in concrete conditions with its own “individual” modes history, ensuring optimal resource, intervals and terms of check test, excluding remove from service of the still fit products.


system approach, electric devices operational reliability, mathematical model of degradation state assessment, residual resource forecast


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