Weight control organizing while aircraft engineering production

Automation of technological processes and production control


Zinchenko A. A.

Aviation Company Progress named after N.I. Sazykin, 5, sq. Lenin, Arseniev, Primorsky Region, 692330, Russia

e-mail: kragi@mail.ru


The experience shows that theoretical weight calculation does not often match weighing results. This statement holds for parts and assembly units made by casting and die molding from rolled metal and composite materials. This includes also electrical equipment and harnesses which weight is about 9% of total aircraft weight. It is difficult to account for paint coating put on aircraft parts, as well as sealants ensuring junctions seal.

Untimely transfer of parts and assembly units weighing results to design bureaus is followed by organizational difficulties of internal weight control in production. The internal processes analysis of various organizations allowed creating a working model of weight control automated system at PJSC AAC “PROGRESS”. The company standard and “Weight control” software developed with C++ programming language and Oracle database is used as a basis for weight control automated system.

Putting weight control automated system into operation has significantly shortened searching and processing time for parts and assembly units weighing control and documents writing.

The weight control automated system developed at PJSC AAC “PROGRESS” is a significant move on the way to internal production processes automation. It possesses a high potential of further development. For example, the weight control system could be supported by the following:

– A server with the data field (cloud), accessible to all the participants, working with weight control;

– Calculation methodology of aircraft parts and assembly units at the design stage, which, for example, will include NeuroWorks [1] software developed on the principle of artificial neural network. The program uses exploratory-dependent formulas, therefore it might use weight control automated system’s weights database;

– Cooperating enterprises involvement into weight control automated system. This will accelerate data submission on parts and assembly units to aircraft designer;

– Parts and assembly units identification by their direct marking [2] (barcode numbering, FRID), this will allow tracking parts and assembly units throughout the aircraft life cycle in a better way;

– Modern weight control means allows entering information on parts and assembly units, such as weight, time, date, photo, overall dimensions, into the database;

– The terms for synchronizing weight control automated system and CAD, CAE systems . This will allow eliminate input of parts and assembly units points for aggregates center of mass determination of the whole aircraft and use actual values of distributed loads when estimating aircraft configuration in CAE systems;

– Accounting for the aircraft parts technological allowances. The allowance for the parts could be excluded fully or partly, or not removed at all. This value might be used for discrepancies analysis parts and assembly units, and as criteria for the technological production upgrade;

– Record keeping of non-ferrous and precious metals.

The software application for processing the aircraft levelling information affected by the mass/inertia loads on the fuselage might be a supplement for the weight control automated system.

Thus, the new model of weight control automated system will positively affect the aircraft design time, its serial production and enterprises cooperation even with partial implementation of the above-mentioned points. The weight control automated system will become a part of the life cycle informational support system article (CALS-technologies).


aircraft, weight control automated system, weight control, software, minimum weight design, CALS-technologies


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