Algorithm for stochastic variations generation of a vector with specified constraints

Mathematica modeling, numerical technique and program complexes


Lyapin A. A.

Company State Rocket Centre Academician V.P.Makeyev, 1, Turgoyakskoye shosse, Miass, Chelyabinsk Region, 456300, Russia



Software for flight task analysis and control consists of a variety of interrelated components (program modules) [1]. A program module is a functionally completed software implementation of a specific task (algorithm) of a software for analysis and control of a flight task. To ensure quality and reliability, each program module should be debugged, verified and tested in autonomous mode [2, 3, 4].

The above-mentioned program modules are verified and tested using special software tools (program complex BTTesting [5, 6]).

The paper covers a method of automatic variations generation of a vector with specified constraints (imposed on the vector length and ranges of its components variation) while forming a computational grid for verification.

There are methods for constructing random vectors with dependent components [16], such as the method of conditional distributions, elimination method (von Neumann), etc. To apply the method of conditional distributions, it is necessary to determine the distribution density of the vector components, and the von Neumann method allows construct random variations of the vector components and restrictions on its length. The algorithm proposed in the article represents a simple mathematical formulation as well as easy software implementation.

An application program [17-22] integrated in the BTTesting program complex is designed based on the algorithm. The article presents user’s interface and an example of the algorithm utilization.

The presented algorithm allows to replace manual entering of initial vector parameters by their automatic generation while forming a computational grid for verification. This lowers labor efforts of a white-collar operator and prevents a human factor impact.


flight task computation and control, algorithm, block diagram, vector variations, automation


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