The flame tube head perforated cowl impact on the main characteristics of the gas turbine engine combustion chamber
Thermal engines, electric propulsion and power plants for flying vehicles
1*, 2, 2**, 21. Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Russia
2. Kazan Motor Production Association, 1, Dementyeva str., Kazan, 420036, Russia
The combustion chamber main parameters are the pressure losses, the unevenness of the temperature field in the outlet, and ecological characteristics. While the combustion chamber refinement for specific parameters it is rational to introduce changes in the design, and impact thereby the processes occurred in it. Very often, to reduce the flame tube resistance the designers resort to installing the perforated cowl, which reduces the frontal impact and distributes the air to the outer and inner cavities between the hull and the flame tube, ensuring minimal pressure losses. The presented article considers the impact of the flame tube head perforated cowl installation on the changes of the indicated parameters. The design of the perforated cowl is considered and the apertures number and diameter as well as the cowl fillet radius are listed. The structure of the test bench installation, with which the combustion chamber section was tested, as well as regimes at which these tests were performed, are presented. The results were obtained for the section with the cowl and without it. The analysis was performed, which results allowed drawing inferences on the necessity of the flame tube head header cowl in the full-scale combustion chamber. The results of the experiments revealed also that the flame tube head header cowl installing did not deteriorate the hydraulic losses in the combustion chamber, but appeared to be highly effective in terms of temperature reduction in the flow core at the section outlet.
The cowl installation leads to the air redistribution in such a way that its consumption in the burning area increases and leads to the temperature reduction in the flow core. The temperature reduction in the burning zone was obligatory affected the nitrogen oxides (NOx) reduction. The cowl did not affect the combustion efficiency, and the carbon oxides concentration in the combustion products increased herewith.
combustion chamber, gas-turbine engine, the flame tube perforated cowlReferences
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