Performance evaluation of objects detection and identification on an image from special optoelectronic systems for airfield observations

System analysis, control and data processing
1*, 2**, 3***, 2****1. State Institute of Aviation Systems, 7, Victorenko str., Moscow, 125319, Russia
2. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia
3. OJSC «Onboard Air Navigation Systems», 12-15, Bolshaya Novodmitrovskaya str., Moscow, 127015, Russia
The article considers the problem of determining the dependencies of detection and recognition characteristics of various objects in the airfield sector of observation from the equipment parameters and observation conditions. It describes the methods for determining a priori and posteriori estimates of image quality indicators obtained by optical-electronic observation systems. The article gives scientifically based recommendations on the image spatial-frequency characteristics reduction to the optimum values according to the criteria set by the operator performing visual analysis.
A posteriori assessment is based on the tests including the object of interest of a given class against the background of the underlying surface. The subject of the assessment is the image of the scene (object and background). Observation characteristics of the scene are determined by the evaluation of the geometric and contrasting characteristics of the image of the object of interest, the frame size and the problem solving time. The proposed a posteriori estimation method of the characteristics of observation of objects of interest allows estimate the probability of object detecting on digital images when conducting field tests with a minimum of computational costs and special equipment.
The a priori estimate is based on calculations including parameters of the optical-electronic system, with those obtained using special test equipment among them, as well as the required observation conditions. The article presents and describes in detail the a priori method for estimating the characteristics of observing objects of interest, proposed by the authors. The a priori assessment of the observation characteristics is based on the modulation transfer functions apparatus, as well as the threshold modulation characteristics. It consists in automatically estimating the resolution in the laboratory using experimentally obtained transfer characteristics based on test objects of various configurations. It is shown, that the proposed method provides the possibility of a reliable analytical evaluation of the observation characteristics for arbitrary ranges, sizes and contrasts of the object of interest, fields of view of the optical-electronic system and meteorological conditions.
The prospects for the development of methodological apparatus for determining the characteristics of objects detection and recognition are considered. The main attention is paid to the implementation of algorithm for the search function of the eye transfer function, the corresponding camera transfer function, as well as methods for characteristics assessing of the camera ringing.
Application of the method of reliable a priori evaluation of the observation characteristics reduces the material and time costs of conducting tests of video surveillance systems of airfield objects and is of great practical interest. However, the a priori assessment (and method) requires calibration and verification based on the a posteriori direct field test method.
The presented methodological apparatus can be used for the tasks of remote airfield control services using non-radar technical means of monitoring the situation on the airfield.
optoelectronic systems, object detection, object recognition, ground-based observation systems, image quality indicators, modulation transfer function, visual analyzerReferences
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