Distance measuring system employing modulation chaotic noise function

Radio engineering, including TV systems and devices


Philatov V. I.*, Borukaeva A. O.**, Berdikov P. G.***

Bauman Moscow State Technical University, MSTU, 5, bldg. 1, 2-nd Baumanskaya str., Moscow, 105005, Russia

*e-mail: vfil10@mail.ru
**e-mail: alexbmstu.b@yandex.ru
***e-mail: palber96@gmail.com


The article discussed in detail the general characteristics of a distance measuring system or the range in which the transmitted signal is modulated by the chaotic noise. The distance measurement is performed by correlating the transmitted and received modulation signals. The modulating signal spectrum determines the function of this correlation dependence, and, hence, the system output, on the distance to the reflecting object. Particular attention is paid to the possibility of practical implementation of the filter, which limits the linear portion of the “system distance – output systems” characteristic for the system with noise modulation. Some new results that can be obtained are indicated. The article considers limitations of the method, and describes several types of noise-modulated systems. The successful operation of the system of one type is revealed. With a result of the described work, a system similar to the existing altimeters is proposed, but free from the ambiguity of reference inherent to the systems with periodic modulating function, devoid of systematic errors and allowing measure distances below several meters. This makes it particularly suitable for application as an altimeter in blind-landing systems. A method of analysis consideredin the article allows, within practicality, design the system with the desired “output – distance” ratio which can be installed further in the aircraft to determine the distance when performing takeoff and landing.


noise, signal, correlation function, power spectrum, noise modulation, antenna, amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, heterodyne, Gauss probability distribution, detection sensitivity, deviation, fluctuation


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