Algorithmic improvement strategy for accuracy characteristics and information reliability of inertial satellite navigation systems withing unmanned aerial vehicles

System analysis, control and data processing


Groshev A. V.

Company “Arzamas Research & Production Enterprise TEMP-AVIA”, 26, Kirov str., Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod Region, 607220, Russia



Nowadays information reliability improvement of inertial satellite navigation systems (ISNS) and competition in correction and guidance accuracy are the most significant tasks for developers of special types of advanced unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

Non-redundant ISNSs for highly dynamical UAVs, tested in natural and semi-natural conditions, as well as with complexes of simulation and mathematical modelling, are the subject of research in the presented article.

The research objective is the development of the ideology and program-algorithm solutions for the accuracy and information reliability improvement of high-precision ISNS for UAVs, continuous true navigational information acquisition for the control system of highly dynamic UAVs in condition of unstable operation of the satellite navigation systems consumers, or and electronic countermeasures.

Strategy and effective program-algorithmic solutions for ISNS failure information identification and elimination of co-processing were developed based on SINS mathematical models, satellite navigation systems and electronic countermeasures systems consumer equipment scientific software of complex system, seminatural and development tests. Such a strategy and solutions improve the control stability, accuracy and information reliability of the system.

Errant information identification algorithms based on Kalman filter (KF) residuals, which are able to retain the characteristics of the system in varied operating conditions, and also the results of its tryout on the mathematical and simulation modeling systems are considered in the article. Approaches based on tolerance control using time-series model predictions or KF squared residuals normalized with RMS deviation of its moving unweighted average which is calculated with intervals by means of sliding window are suggested. The article enlightens an approach to the satellite navigation systems consumers equipment corrections after the “information shadow” for high accuracy systems, and presents the results of mathematical, simulation and semi-natural tests.

Correction methods for satellite navigation systems and electronic countermeasures systems consumer equipment after “information shadow” for high accuracy systems are presented.

The proposed methods and algorithms were used while ideology formation of the certain types of UAVs application.


inertial satellite system, failure protection, jamming protection, information reliability


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