Instrumental photometric standard for onboard optoelectronic devices of near-Earth monitoring space systems

System analysis, control and data processing


Eremin E. O.*, Kharlamov G. Y.

Special Research bureau of Moscow power engineering institute, 14, Krasnokazarmennaya str., Moscow, 111250, Russia



The article introduces a notion of an instrumental photometric standard for onboard optoelectronic instruments and considers specifics of its forming. This standard employing allows evaluate energy characteristics of a particular onboard optoelectronic device in various background-signal conditions with a reference accuracy. The structure of the instrumental photometric standard application is based on employing classical methods of astronomical photometry and statistical processing of measurement results. The proposed method is similar to the satellite photometric observations processing, but the onboard optoelectronic device is evaluated by the photometric stars-standards, and not contrariwise. The article presents equations for energy units conversion between the in-system units and astronomical photometry units. Basic photometric and spectrophotometric catalogues that can be employed to develop the instrumental photometric standards of the onboard visible and infrared optoelectronic devices are considered (both for visual and infrared optical bands). Graphical representation of the reviewed star catalogs’ photometrical bands is presented. The methods of photometric measurements on digital frames from the onboard optoelectronic devices, namely the method of aperture photometry and method of PSF-photometry (Point Spread Function photometry) are briefly reviewed. The method of standard stars samples forming for developing the approximating models of the instrumental magnitudes for different background-signal conditions is presented. Applications of an instrumental photometric standard for onboard optoelectronic devices are the near-Earth space monitoring systems at the stages of flight tests and exploitation. Efficiency of algorithms of construction and employing implementations of the instrumental photometric standard for the onboard optoelectronic devices based on simulated and experimental data will be considered in the subsequent articles.


onboard optoelectronic device, instrumental star magnitude, standard star magnitude, background-signal conditions


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