Selecting design parameters of the centrifugal test bench while quasi-static-oscillating loading of the test object with free oscillations of the system

Mathematica modeling, numerical technique and program complexes
*, *, **, ***Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
At present, rocket and space technology (RST) is developing at a rapid pace in all advanced countries. A huge amount of resources is invested in this promising sector. RST has a number of features. Its design cannot be duplicated, and it is almost impossible to repair it after the start of flight operation. The designed construction has to function at all operation stages. The loading factors determine the shape and internal structure of the structural elements and the structure as a whole, and loading analysis is an important, integral part of the rocket design of and space technology elements. Thence, a problem arises as recently as at the preliminary design stage on the possibility of application of the already existed experimental base of the space-rocket engineering designer for performing experimental developing in conditions close to the product natural operation conditions. According to the tasks set in the work, the calculation part was separated into three components. In the first part, a well-known mathematical model is used for the movement simulation of the descent vehicle in the atmosphere of the planet with different input angles along the ballistic trajectory. The data obtained while calculations served as an initial data for the second stage, namely, computing and selecting parameters of the centrifugal test bench to perform tests at quasi-static-oscillating loading with natural oscillations of the system. At this stage of the test simulation, the result represented the analysis and selection of the design parameters of the test bench, and the mode of testing under given conditions of functioning and operation of the product. At the third stage, based on the compiled algorithm, the calculation of the centrifugal drive power was performed, with account for the operating limitations for the selected stand operation mode.
With the result of the performed work based on mathematical models and computational algorithms, a software package was developed using MATLAB, allowing obtain at various initial data operational and energy parameters of the test bench for certain testing modes.
descent vehicle, experimental method, centrifugal test bench, rocket and space equipment, space technologyReferences
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