Multispectral panoramic video images forming technology for aviation optical-electronic vision systems

Mathematica modeling, numerical technique and program complexes


Kudinov I. A.*, Kholopov I. K.**, Khramov M. Y.*

Ryazan State Instrument-making Enterprise, 32, Seminarskaya str., Ryazan, 390000, Russia



The article considers the video image forming technology according to the information from distributed multi-spectral cameras of the aviation panoramic optical-electronic vision system. It analyses the main problems of a panoramic frame stitching quality reduction while working with multi-spectral cameras. The article presents the geometric formulation of the problem and main analytical expressions describing the spherical panorama forming procedure without evaluating the point features of the scene, and searching matches between them using descriptors. A robust to shooting conditions algorithm for panorama image forming according to the results of preliminary photometric calibration of multispectral cameras with the special test-object and information on the angle orientation of the reference camera, obtained from the inertial micro-electromechanical sensor, was developed. One of the possible variants of the universal test-object realization for the multi-spectral cameras calibration is presented. The main operation modes of a panoramic vision system prototype with television and thermal cameras developed by the authors are considered including vision improving functions such as blending and contrasting according to Multiscale retinex algorithm, as well as information integration from the technical vision channels operating in various spectral areas. The article shows that computations parallelization using CUDA technology allows realizing vision improvement functions including information integration from multispectral sensors and overlapping additional signographic information for two independently controlled 1024 x 768 pixels regions of interest with a frequency not less than 30 Hz. The results of semi-natural experiments on the window of user interest display in the “transparent cabin” mode are presented.

Display of video information in the region of interest in accordance with the concept of “transparent cab” are presented.


spherical panorama, region of interest, image fusion, blending, CUDA technology


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