CAD/CAM/CAE systems, OMV technologies and neural network based data analysis algorithms at the aviation industry enterprises

Mathematica modeling, numerical technique and program complexes


Chigrinets E. G.1*, Verchenko A. V.2**

1. Don State Technical University, DSTU, 1, Gagarin square, Rostov-on-Don, 344003, Russia
2. Rostvertol Helicopters, 5, Novatorov st., Rostov-on-Don, 344038, Russia



In modern tough competition, aviation enterprises seek to maximize the capabilities computers application for products designing and manufacturing. To automatize these tasks, digital technologies such as CAD/CAM/CAE systems can be employed.

A technique for a 3D model of a helicopter dustproof device developing in the CAD system based on the coordinate measurement with account for real manufacturing deviations is presented.

The overview of milling technology of a helicopter part with the uneven hardness was performed. Optimization method of machining technology based on the finite element method with CAE implementation for the engineering analysis system is proposed. Computation results of unwanted deviations of the non-rigid thin-walled elements under the impact of the load direction were processed.

The problem of performing adaptive machining to program the milling of the detail contours on the CNC machine in case of virtual workpiece location was solved. The CNC-program correction by measuring the workpiece actual position on the machine table is proposed. The control program correction can be implemented as the result of solving the task of minimax, while searching such state of its position in space, so that the maximum allowance on the machined contour would be minimal. A mathematical model is developed, that unambiguously identifies the workpiece position on the machine table according to the measured coordinates of the three points. The developed algorithms of automatic search for the of the CNC-program correction to implement the principle of adaptive machining solution of the minimax problem. The program was created, and the method for the CNC-program designing for virtual workpiece locating on the CNC machine is developed. Experimental testing has confirmed efficiency of the developed technique

Manufacturing of the new aircrafts requires development and improvement of new materials and technologies, imposing ever-increasing demands for quality and operation reliability. Most carrying aircraft structures made of polymeric composites are machined to ensure the high quality holes providing reliable fixation and assembly of the composite structure (e.g., spars of the main and tail helicopter rotors blades). Delamination, which can reduce the structural integrity of the material, is the important technological problem occurring while fiber reinforced composite materials drilling. The tool geometry and machining conditions are the most important factors affecting the quality of the processed holes.

Using a series of experimental data that include the delamination sizes depending on the machining conditions, the database for the further modeling has been developed in a matrix form. The first attempt to build an empirical description of the sizes of delamination that depends on two design variables (cutting speed and drilling feed) was unsuccessful, probably, due to the nonlinearity, which is generic for the drilling process.

To overcome this difficulty we proposed and tested an approach, which is based on the the artificial neural networks (ANN) employing to predict the quality of the holes drilled in the titanium foil reinforced glass fiber epoxy-based plastics. ANN training was being conducted using an errors back-propagation algorithm. Testing of the prediction accuracy was shown that ANN can provide quality of size prediction that exceeds 97%.

The obtained results allow recommend the artificial neural network application to predict the size of the drilling holes delamination in GFRP. In the process of statistics accumulation the ANN are able to perform the self-training to produce the results based on the newly obtained information, thus, adequately predicting the quality of the machined holes.


CAD/CAM/CAE systems, OMV technologies, adaptive machining, artificial neural networks


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