Problem issues of information support of striking aircraft complexes management

Radiolocation and radio navigation


Vasil`ev V. A.1*, Fedyunin P. A.1**, Danilin M. A.1***, Vasil`ev A. V.2

1. Air force academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovskii and Y.A. Gagarin, Voronezh, Russia
2. Main Scientific Metrology Center of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, 13, Komorova, Mytishhi, Moscow region, 394064, Russia



The article substantiates the need for further improvement of the information supply organization for the management striking aircraft complexes with the direct support of the Ground Forces. The analysis of the information supply management organization, which means information collection, processing and transmission in time, was performed. The impact of the message delay in the control channel due to the perturbing action on the effectiveness of the striking aircraft complex control was estimated. The contradiction between the need to increase the intensity of control information transmission to maintain its adequacy and the limited capacity of the aviation radio network capacity was revealed.

The order of access to common time-frequency resources of aviation radio networks is determined by the random multiple access algorithm with carrier verification, for which the system queuing models are well-known. Information flows through logical connections are represented by a stationary Poisson flow, and the transmission medium is represented by a multiple-access radio channel Application of this model allows determining the pack delay time as a function of the information exchange intensity and network parameters. The steady state of the network is characterized by low latency and the highest performance. An unstable state is characterized by irreversible latency increase, and performance decrease. Representation of the information exchange process without introducing model elements into the network, which account for the state of the network under the impact of the intentional interference may lead to an error in determining messages delay.

The effectiveness of target indication and guidance of striking aircraft complexes on the maneuvering ground target depends on the delay of managing messages, which leads to an error in determining the information damage management.

This contradiction resolution may consist in the information intensity updating of the assignment control, at which specified permissible information damage in predicted conditions of situation and a priori known dynamic characteristics of target will not be exceeded. With a large number of options for the situation and target movement parameters, this approach has low efficiency. Its more advanced version is represented in adaptive traffic intensity control in the control channel of the striking aircraft complexes or speeds of logical connections in aviation radio network.

Practical implementation of this approach will ensure the required timeliness of information exchange while target indication and guidance, and increase the likelihood of the guidance of striking aircraft complex on the target.


target indication and guidance, information support for aviation management, messages delay in the control channel, information exchange intensity


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