Developing the onboard data server for application as a part of radio-electronic equipment employing the concept of integrated modular avionics

System analysis, control and data processing


Titov A. G.1*, Neretin E. S.2**, Dudkin S. O., Brusnikin P. M.***

1. Integration center branch of the Irkut Corporation, 5, Aviazionny pereulok, Moscow, 125167, Russia
2. ,



Modern onboard equipment (OBE) complexes include the systems for which storage and processing of a large amount of information is required. The real time data access is required herewith.

Analysis of the existing data storage systems revealed that on the samples of domestic aircraft, information is most often stored on computers which main functions are not data storage, but data processing. The main part of computing resources is spent on running applications. This leads to slow processing of requests to the database, which in turn affects the operation speed of the systems that need data from the database or that are writing to the database.

The article is devoted to the development of an onboard data server (BSD) with employing the concept of integrated modular avionics (IMA) for the onboard equipment (OBE) complex of the medium-range MS-21 aircraft.

The main functions performed by the BSD are storing the aircraft systems databases (DB) (such as on-board maintenance system and air navigation system), supporting database management systems (DBMS) for these databases and ensuring access to them at the request of functional applications as part of OBE.

The BSD represents computing platform of a separate data server ensuring execution of several independent functional applications and interaction with on-board equipment via the interfaces AFDX, USB, Ethernet, RS-232.

The article proposes and describes four operation modes, namely, starting mode, operating mode, advanced monitoring and technological modes. Switching algorithm between the OBD operating modes is described.

The authors propose requirements for the onboard data server, software requirements, architecture and design of the onboard data server.

The BSD employing will allow relieve the load the computing kernels of the functional applications of aircraft systems, simplify the work of the maintenance personnel, interacting with the onboard maintenance system and the aircraft crew, when compiling the flight plan using navigational data processed on the server.


database, onboard data server, onboard maintenance system, integrated modular avionics, server architecture, memory module


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