Infrared optoelectronic transducer of the helicopter main rotor deformation state

Computing and control systems elements and units


Zhukov S. V.*, Danilin A. I.**

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia



This article deals with developing a method and a device for a helicopter main rotor deformation state. It proposes an additional infrared channel for the main rotor monitoring. The article considers fundamentals and operation conditions of the proposed method and device. The experiment was performed with the blades models, manufactured from various materials. The experiment was being conducted for various setting angles of the blade model. As a result, the studies of the blade models setting angles impact on the reflected flux formation were conducted assisted by the setting angle adjusting mechanism. Amplitude characteristics, showing the dependence of the signal amplitude from setting angle of the blade model, were obtained. Natural and technogenic sources of jamming radiation, and the atmosphere bandwidths are presented. Natural interference of the infrared band were studied experimentally. For this purpose, an experiment with infrared radiation detector was performed. As an addition to the experiment, the impact of natural sources of infrared radiation and optical properties of the atmosphere on the sensors operation was considered theoretically. Based on the considered data, a part of the infrared band spectrum was offered for utilization for the subsequent development of the sensors and systems. The article presents the description of the experimental test bench for the workout of separate propositions of the method and separate units of the device. Conclusions on the applicability and further development of the method are drawn.


helicopter, main rotor, test bench, UHF transducer, infrared radiation


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