A technique for application planning of satellite radio-monitoring system means

Systems, networks and telecommunication devices


Masalkin A. A.*, Kolesnik A. V., Protsenko P. A.**

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia

*e-mail: of.mas632@yandex.ru
**e-mail: prosvka@gmail.com


The presented work puts forward an approach to raise the effectiveness of the satellite radio monitoring system means application. The subject for studies is methods for the said system planning.

The existing methods of solving the problem of planning the satellite radio monitoring system means involvement are based on employing a flexible approach, foreseeing larger encompassing of the territories with high population density, and a smaller one for the territories with small population density. This approach has a number of disadvantages including inability for regarding the density of space vehicles location on a geostationary orbit, and impossibility of simultaneous transponders radio monitoring of one spacecraft accounting by several radio monitoring means.

To eliminate the above said disadvantages the authors suggest a technique for application planning of the satellite radio monitoring system means regarded in this article, and based on solving the problem of discrete programming. The quality indicator is effectiveness, i.e. the number of serviced channels. The problem is aggravated by the fact that the objective function is non-linear, which makes impossible application of mathematical programming methods. For this complexity resolve, a linearization technique for the function with Boolean parameters based on additional variables introduction is put forward.

This technique essence consists in performing an iteration procedure for solving the problem of discrete programming with subsequent refinement of the objective function value.

Computational experiments were conducted employing suggested technique for radio monitoring means planning. The obtained results prove the principal possibility of increasing the satellite radio monitoring system effectiveness by 15-30% due to channels duplication elimination.


satellite radio monitoring, electronic environment, planning methods


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