Mathematical modeling and comparative analysis towing vehicle schemes application to solve the problem of space debris objects removal to the disposal orbit. Part 1

Mathematica modeling, numerical technique and program complexes


Ulybyshev S. Y.

Central Scientific Research Institute of Chemistry and Mechanics, 16a, ul. Nagatinskaya, Moscow, 115487, Russia



The presented materials of the study, split into four parts (separate articles), consider the complex issue of mathematical modeling and comparative analysis of the two types of remote control and associated with it design appearance of a promising spacecraft-towing vehicle (STV). The STV is designed to solve the problem of space debris objects (SDO) removal into the disposal orbit from satellite systems (SS) configuration. On the example of mission realization of the SDO removal from the specified orbital plane with return ensuring for the next object removal, scenario of the STV repeated application is being numerically computed.

Substantiation and workout of the design appearance of the prospective STV with two types of propulsion system (PS), such as liquid rocket engine (LRE) and stationary plasma engine (SPE), is being performed. The article presents the STV electric power supply system calculations and determines its weight and energy characteristics, as well as solar batteries size. Specifics and options of possible schemes of SDO removal into the disposal orbit were analyzed. Disposal orbits parameters have been determined for each STV PS type. The issue of the mean value computing of the STV SPE ballistic coefficient on the typical turn of functioning while SDO towing into the disposal orbit was considered. The boundaries of minimum possible altitude of the SPE application ensuring acceleration above the level of atmospheric deceleration were determined.


mathematical modeling, spacecraft-towing, space debris object, propulsion system, liquid rocket engine, stationary plasma engine, burial orbit, coplanar orbit, synchronous precession orbit


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