Methods for Solving Key Problematic Issues of Conflicts Resolution on Spacecraft Ground Control Systems Employing

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2019-108-11
Central Research Institute of Machine Building, TSNIIMash, 4, Pionerskaya str., Korolev, Moscow region, 141070, Russia
Specifics of spacecraft (SC) control by radio coverage zones and according to technological cycles of spacecraft control does not allow application of existing classical methods and techniques for planning ground spacecraft control means employing, which stipulates the necessity for original planning technologies developing.
Analysis of conventional planning of spacecraft ground control means application revealed that tha main planning problem consists in the necessity of conflicts resolution on the ground control means employing.
The main cause of conflict situations occurrence was determined as insufficiency of control means to realize requests from Mission Control Centers on communication session with space vehicles. The article presents the main conditions of conflicts occurrence, whereof the main is growth of the spacecraft orbital constellation. Analysis of conventional conflicts resolution process drawbacks, as well as possible aftermath of untimely or unsubstantiated decisions allowed formulate the basic problematic issues of conflicts resolution. They consist in operational efficiency increasing of decisions on conflicts resolution making and their validity.
The author suggests m ethods of problematic issues solving, consisting in
- automation of the decisions preparation process based on formalization of the said process,
- ensuring required values of confidence probability of expert evaluation on account of the expert panel of experts, consisting of no less than seven specialists, and expert evaluations concurrence (expert’s judgments expert panel opinions) with pre-arranged data for decision-making,
- processing firstly the top-priority requests;
- ensuring minimum damage from time shifting of conflicting requests realization.
The expected results of the suggestions implementation for problematic issues resolution are specified.
ground-based spacecraft control means, initialization conflict of control means, decision on conflict resolution, communication session requestReferences
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