Physical modeling of magneto-hydrodynamic processes of powerful tropical cyclones evolution

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2019-109-7


Gridin V. N.*, Smakhtin A. P.*

Design information technologies Centre Russian Academy of Sciences, 7a, Marshala Biryuzova str., Odintsovo, Moscow region, 143003, Russia



One of the most devastating natural disasters on the Earth are powerful tropical cyclones. As a result, people die, serious damage to engineering structures occur, general violation of the environment ecology in areas exposed to powerful tropical cyclones eventuate. Long-term tropical cyclones monitoring from space revealed a certain geographical regularity in the processes of powerful tropical cyclons origination and development. The main areas of tropical cyclons origination are insular regions of Southeast Asia in the Pacific Ocean and Cape Verde Islands in the Atlantic Ocean near the west coast of Africa. Traditional areas suffering from destructive tropical cyclones are the coastal zone of the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Japan, China, Philippines and in the Far East of the Russian Federation. Similar phenomena in the form of tornadoes are observed periodically off the Black Sea shores in the southern regions of the Russian Federation.

In the areas being subjected to destructive cyclones and tornadoes, people die, houses, bridges and other engineering structures are destroyed.

As the result of tropical cyclones origination, the flights of civil aircraft are canceled, and sometimes destruction of aircraft staying at the airport occured.

The deficiency, at present, of adequate physical model of tropical cyclone origination and development does not allow elaborate a strategy for successful abatement with these natural disasters. The abatement with negative impact of destructive tropical cyclones so far is narrowed down to passive warning of population of possible natural disaster towards ensuring timely people evacuation from the potentially dangerous regions to the safe ones.

The presented article performes an assessment of the atmospheric electricity impact on the powerful tropical cyclones dynamics and demonstrates the possibility of creating an experimental setup for physical modeling of the processes accompanying the destructive tropical cyclones evolution.

Understanding the nature of origination and evolution processes of high-power tropical cyclones will allow create a scientific and technical basis for strategy developing for reliable and effective abatement against these natural disasters, by suppressing the process of powerful air vortices developing at the initial stage of their development.


atmospheric electricity, magneto-hydrodynamic rotation, Z- and Ѳ-pinch, similarity theory of magnetic hydrodynamics, similarity criteria


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