Data Preprocessing and Priorities Values Computing of Requests on Performing Communication Sessions with Spacecraft of Scientific and Socioeconomic Implication

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-111-13


Sokhranniy E. P.

Central Research Institute of Machine Building, TSNIIMash, 4, Pionerskaya str., Korolev, Moscow region, 141070, Russia



The article covers the final stages of addressing the problem of requests prioritizing for communication sessions performing with scientific and socioeconomic spacecraft, on which the solving methods for main areas of concern on conflicts arising from the engagement of the spacecraft ground control equipment, substantiated in [1], are realized. The initial information for data preprocessing for priority values computing are expert data in the form of Hierarchic Structure (HS) and Relational Matrix (RM), transformed into Comparison Matrices (CM), reflecting the results of qualitative expert estimates scaling into quantitative ones. The order of HS, RM and CM generation is specified in referenced documents [2] and [3].

To validate expert estimates scaling in the form of comparison matrices the last ones are being checked for conformance from the viewpoint of each expert judgments and opinions of the group of experts.

Generalized values computing of HS elements weight factors and requests priorities values for spacecraft communication sessions is performed based on the expert-specified consistent private data on the criticality of factors represented in the form of HS and affecting the conflicts solving procedure.

The developed formal models will allow for complete automation of the request prioritizing process for spacecraft communication sessions, as well as enhance the decision-making promptness and validity of the decisions made to resolve conflict situations.


means engagement conflict, communication session request priority, expert estimates hierarchic structure, decision-making promptness and validity


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