Studying guidance and stabilization algorithms effectiveness of “Start-1” space-rocket complex control system

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-111-16
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
The presented study deals with optimization of the testing process of management information system algorithms of complex objects on the example of guidance and stabilization algorithms of the management information system of the «Start» family light carrier rocket onboard complex.
The study practicality consists in application of the approaches for improving the testing processes for guidance algorithms of the space-rocket complex based on international standards not previously employed in the aerospace industry.
The purpose of the study is obtaining the expected end result of the study, assuming the stated contradiction solution by developing a testing model and recommendations for the test tests conducting.
The methodological basis of the study is the theory of systems, system and process analysis.
The following research techniques were employed while this work preparing:
– general scientific techniques such as analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, analogy, ascent from abstract to concrete and vice versa;
– special techniques such as logical, comparative, and process analysis;
– modelling as well as experimental tecnhiques;
The following software was used as toolbox: BPwin, Erwin Process Modeler (CASE-tools for modeling processes based on the IDEF0 process description standards (functional model)), PTC Mathcad 15 (computer algebra system of a computer-aided design systems class), MATLAB (application software package for technical computing and modelling problems solving)
The study relevance and novelty lies in the fact that international testing standards that not previously implemented in the aerospace industry are being applied for the first time. To this end, analysis of international and Russian standards on software testing and the experimental development of a testing model based on guidance and stabilization algorithms were performed. The results of the study allowed conclude that recommendations on testing are relevant and confirms their practical significance.
guidance algorithms, stabilization algorithms, software testing, information systems, software quality assessment, Russian standards, international standards, State Standards, ISO, IECReferences
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