Computational and experimental study of the strain-stress state of product structural elements at the impact against a solid obstruction

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-112-8
*, **Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
The article presents the results of computational and experimental study and mathematical modelling of product structural elements while the impact with the solid impediment. The problem of developing effective technique of numerical modelling of three-or dimensional dynamic impact problems.
The finite element method was used for the impact problem solving.
The results of strains and stresses computing were compared, using numerical modelling, with the results of the full-scale test, which demonstrated their validity.
The impact load tests are an obligatory part of the general complex of preliminary field tests of the prototypes of engineering products at the experimental development stage. The basic requirement to the field tests consists in ensuring the equivalence of the impact loading under the field conditions of the product loading while operation.
The validity of the impact loading tests ca be increased by improving testing and measuring equipment, as well as testing technique due to determining impact loads as close as possible to the operational ones.
To reduce the volume of the cost intensive field tests of the products, they are being replaced by mathematical modelling with modern software. The basic requirement for numerical computations consists in ensuring the equivalence of the impact loading while mathematical modelling to the loading under conditions of the field tests. Usually, the correspondence of the testing modes on the velocities and impingement angles, as well as overloads levels in the characteristic zones of the structures are being accepted as the equivalence conditions.
stresses and strains, testing, destruction, approach velocities, damper crushingReferences
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