Model of the test radio signals simulator for aviation systems of the Earth surface surveying

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-112-11


Gusev S. N.*, Miklin D. V.*

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



The article presents description of the model of the test radar signals simulator designed for calibration problems solving of air borne synthetic aperture radar systems (SAR). Control algorithms, employed in the simulator, for forming simulating trajectory signals, which reproduce virtual objects on radar images, are being considered as the subject of the study.

The necessity of solving this problem is stipulated, firstly, by the complexity of SAR calibration for complex objects, employing calibration polygons; secondly, by the lack of a uniform approach to the calibration means development based on simulators, employing the retranslation principle of the SAR probing signal. Thus, the purpose of the article consists in developing a model of the test radar signals, allowing reproducing the target environment with the specified set of object of various structure on the radar.

The proposed model is based on application of the theory of spatial and temporal signal processing in SAR and computer modelling techniques, from which the viewpoint the target simulating trajectory signal is the sum of the reflected signals from the point reflectors in a complex concentrated target. Each echo signal from the point reflector herewith should be computed with account for the position and the nature of the reflection in the specified direction.

The developed model peculiarity consists in frequency correction procedure integration into the algorithm for simulating trajectory signal formation. It allows compensating the geometry violation of the wave front and the change in Doppler frequency spectrum, caused by the objects reproduction at the certain distance from the simulator location.

The result of the work represents the model structure of the test radar signals simulator and the algorithm used in the model for computing the simulated trajectory signal of a complex concentrated target with account for the time delay, amplitude and frequency correction.

The developed model was tested while seminatural simulation of the reproduction process of virtual objects on radar. The seminatural simulation results presented in the work proved the approach correctness and the adequacy of the developed model.

The proposed model can be employed at:

– SAR calibration at different stages of development and design;

– developing of simulators for the signals programming;

– substantiating the trends of methods and means developing of radar systems calibration for the Earth’s surface observing.


radar system with synthetic aperture antenna, radar image, signal simulation, calibration, virtual object


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