Quadcopter flight control system simulation in Simulink and Simscape Multibody

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-112-20


Kalyagin M. Y.*, Voloshin D. A.**, Mazaev A. S.***

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: mukalyagin@yandex.ru
**e-mail: dmitry_21@mail.ru
***e-mail: mr8bit@ yandex.ru


Currently, the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are widely used throughout the world as means for monitoring, creating maps, optimizing agricultural activities, monitoring fire being dangerous areas, power lines surveillance, logistics, etc. The multirotor-type UAVs are widely proliferated due to their structural simplicity and the ability to both flying at near zero speeds and maneuvering with high frequency.

One of the most important tasks at the early stages of the UAV design consist in studying dynamic characteristics of alternative design options of the vehicles with account for their design characteristics. The state-of-the-art computer engineering systems are able to implement the end-to-end process of designing and linking solid-state UAV models with adaptive dynamic models and their operation in various modes by transferring design parameters obtained in CAD systems, directly to the simulation environment of the flight control systems. Of particular interest is the set of tasks associated with control algorithms developing to ensure the UAV normal operation under the impact of external disturbances.

The article proposes an approach to the solid-state and dynamic computer models linking of the unmanned aerial vehicle of the “quadcopter” type at the early stages of the design using Solidworks and Simulink/MATLAB software packages. The model designed in the Simulink/MATLAB environment allows evaluating the developed systems for an aircraft stabilization and control for the UAV, implemented according to the “quadcopter” aerodynamic scheme without starting the quad copter itself.

The discrepancy between the results of the computer model with full-scale tests is 2.3% for the pitch angle, 2.5% for the roll angle, 6.7% for the yaw angle and 3.7% for the height. The obtained high accuracy of the models conformity proves the possibility of applying the method for the automatic control system designing presented in the article.


quadcopter, mathematical model, Simulink, control systems


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