Plane unsteady contact problem for a rigid stamp and an elastic half-space with a cavity

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-113-02


Arutyunyan A. M.1*, Kuznetsova E. L.1**, Fedotenkov G. V.2***

1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. ,



Plane non-stationary contact problems are being considered for absolutely rigid bodies with rectangular sections in plan (stamps) and an elastic half-space with recessed cavities of arbitrary geometry.

The problems setting includes the equations of plane motion of an elastic medium (Lamé’s equations), Hooke’s law, Cauchy relations, zero initial conditions, boundary conditions of the free edge on the boundary of the internal cavity in a half-space, conditions of contact between the boundary of the half-space and the stamp. To close the problem, the equations of translational motion of the centers of mass of the stamp are added. Cases of free slip and rigid adhesion are considered as contact conditions. We assume that outside the contact zone, the surface of the half-space is free of stresses. All equations and relations of the mathematical formulation of the problem are written in a Cartesian rectangular coordinate system.

At the initial time instant, a vertical load is applied to the stamp with a predetermined law of changing in time, which resultant is passing through the center of mass of this body.

The dynamic work reciprocity theorem is used to solve the problem. Application of the reciprocity theorem of works leads to the two-dimensional boundary integral equations, which kernels of are the transient functions. These functions represent solutions for a non-stationary problem for an elastic plane under the impact of concentrated mass forces. Integral Laplace transforms in time and Fourier transforms in spatial coordinates are used to build a solution to this problem.

The direct boundary element method with discretization in time is used to solve the two-dimensional boundary resulting integral equations. The linear interpolations in time herewith are used for displacements, and piecewise constant approximations for stresses. Special quadrature formulas based on the canonical regularization method are employed for singular integrals calculation.

As the result, a statement is presented and a method for solving new plane non-stationary contact problems for absolutely rigid stamps and an elastic half-space containing a recessed cavity with a smooth boundary of arbitrary geometry is developed. A resolving boundary integral equation is built and its discrete analogue is proposed.


unssteady contact problems, elastic half-space, cavity, boundary integral quations, Green's functions, generalized functions, rigid stamp, dynamic reciprocity theorem, integral transformations


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