Studying geometrics impact of cylindrical shell under pressure clamped between rigid plates on the contact zone width

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-113-18
, *Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
The presented work studies the impact geometrics changing of the elliptical cross-section cylindrical shell under pressure clamped between two rigid plates on the contact zone width. The study is being performed by the analytical modelling of the method with Wolfram Mathematics software. The dependence of contact zone width between the shell and rigid impediment changing on acting pressure was obtained in the course of analytical modelling. The study of major and minor semiaxes impact, as well as the shell thickness on the contact zone width changing depending on the acting pressure was being performed for the obtained solution.
The performed modelling results revealed that the minor axis increase entailed the contact zone reduction, while the major axis increase resulted in the contact zone width enhancing. The shell thickness increase reduces the contact zone of the shell with the rigid plate. Analytical dependencies of the contact zone width on the geometric parameter were obtained by approximation for studying the process of the contact zone width. Analytical alignment method was used as approximation. The obtained functions were being differentiated to determine the speed and speed-up of the contact zone width change while changing each of geometrical parameters.
cylindrical shell, rigid surface, contact zone, internal pressure, transverse deformationReferences
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