Automation of operation normativity analysis of the spacecraft onboard computer

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-113-12


Tabakov E. V.1*, Zinina A. I.2**

1. Moscow Experimental Design Bureau “Mars”, 1-st Shemilovsky lane 16, building 2, Moscow, 127473, Russia
2. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



The main block of the spacecraft control system (CS) is the onboard computer. In the process of the CS operation, it executes the onboard software modules (OSM), which define its behavior. Thus, correctness of the entire CS functioning depends on the onboard computer operation normativity. That is why thorough checkup of its operation in all possible operation modes on the test benches is of utter importance. Normativity control technique is the spacecraft telemetry information analyzing with regard to the signs, which characterize various aspects of the onbooard computer functioning and the OSM operation.

The existing analysis technique lies in decryption of the initial binary file of telemetric information (TMI) by the special program tool. As the result of its operation, a new text document, which content is presented in the form recognizable by a human, is being formed. Further, personnel of the enterprise extract the required information and analyze the obtained data. Despite of this approach simplicity, it has a number of significant disadvantages, such as:

  • Excessive strain of the personnel is required;

  • High probability of errors due to the “human factor”;

  • Certain time is required for the manual analysis, hence, it does not allow on-the-fly detection of irregularity.

Thus, automation of the detailed analysis performing presents interest. The similar work was already being conducted, though only as a part of the normativity control of the program modules execution times. The purpose of the presented work is development of the approach created earlier by adding the analysis as regard to the criteria characterizing the onboard computer operation.

The source data for the new algorithm represents normative values of the signs, which characterize the onboard computer state for its various operating modes, the cyclogram information and TMI. The analysis procedure itself is proceeding in three stages. These are:

  • Normativity validation of the signs value, characterizing the onboard computer operation;

  • Validation of the cyclogram execution;

  • Forming general confinement on the normativity of the onboard computer functioning.

Special program tool for performing automated analysis was realized based on the proposed algorithm. Its special feature consists in the possibility of operation with both graphic interface (manual mode) and automatic mode (at interaction with the existing automation tools). As the result of this work, the analysis of the onboard computer functioning while conducting test bench testing has been significantly simplified.


spacecraft, onboard computer, telemetric information, normativity control, analysis automation


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