Arranging measurements while shipborne aerial vehicles testing under non-test-ground conditions of the open sea

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-115-10


Tugolukov V. A.

The Test Center “Morskoy” of State Fly-Test Center named V.P. Chkalov, 3/61, Gagarin str., Primorskiy-1, 298177, Feodosia, Crimea Republic



The article considers methodological issues arranging external trajectory measurements of the shipborne aviation systems’ parameters while the shipborne aerial vehicles testing under the open sea conditions and absence of the lack of the route measuring test-ground within the water area for the State testing of aircraft carrier.

The author suggested a differential measuring method based on navigation parameters correction of the shipborne aerial vehicles relative to the aircraft carrier, and transmitting the set of corrections to measurements of all navigation satellites to the definable points. These corrections can be used at the satellite observations at the definable points with measuring at the coastal geodetic station with known coordinates of pseudo-range to all “visible” satellites and computing its measured coordinates, and then the measured ranges as well (according to the measured coordinates of both station and satellites). Then further processing information on computing the root-mean-square error of lateral and vertical deflections of the shipborne aerial vehicle while takeoff and landing on the ship, and at combat control from an aircraft carrier ship and / or from a shipborne radar patrol and guidance aircraft is proposed is being performed.

The accompanying monitoring of the achieved values of the aircraft carrier efficiency levels is being performed, and the accuracy characteristics of the shipborne aircraft is being obtained to assess the feasibility of the requirements for the carried aviation systems and for the aircraft carrier ship as a whole.


aircraft carrier, carried aviation systems, optimization, global navigation satellite system, differential method, information processing


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