A unit for unique sequence generating employed while personal data impersonalizing

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2020-115-13
*, **South-Western State University, 94, 50-let Oktyabrya str., Kursk, 305040, Russia
*e-mail: aspev@yandex.ru
**e-mail: kaluckiy_igor@yandex.ru
A problem of data impersonalizing occupies special place in automated information systems while data processing. Such methods and algorithms are employed to improve the system security and reduce material costs for information security tools purchasing. One of the tasks consists in developing specialized units that will allow increasing the speed of data conversion during impersonalizing. Such units can be employed not only in large data processing centers, but also in information systems with a small number of personal data subjects, but demanding data processing speed. This allows performance improvement, as well operating costs and product weight reduction. The purpose of this work consist in the speed increase of the unit for generating a unique sequence for personal data impersonalizing by parallel computing and FPGA based implementation. The problem solution of increasing the speed of forming a unique sequence for impersonalizing personal data is achieved by implementing a method and algorithm for data impersonalizing that allows their FPGA based implementation employing parallel computing. The developed unit novelty lies in the fact that a method for introducing identifiers using hashing critical data and a private key was proposed. This allows increasing the of data privacy level, bating requirements for the security level of the information system, and increasing the of data processing speed by convolving critical data into a hash identifier by parallel computing employing the developed specialized device. The results obtained consist in the development of a unit for generating a unique sequence used for personal data impersonalizing. This unit implements the proposed method. The experiments confirming the proposed mathematical model adequacy in comparison with the software implementation were conducted. The proposed device allowed increasing the speed of hash identifiers computing by more than a thousand times, with power consumption decrease by 11.7 times. The results of the experiment allow recommending the proposed unit for implementation in automated information systems for personal data processing at the design stage or optimization of existing systems. It will reduce the information protecting system cost. The authors propose the presented solution implementation in the form of a FPGA based unit, which will allow increasing speed and reducing operation costs.
data impersonalizing, hashing, conversion, high-speed unitReferences
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