Radio line resources managing technique, employing space-time signal processing, for situational centers

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-116-06


Bydanov E. V.

Military academy of communication of Marshall of the Soviet Union S.M. Budenny, 3, Tikhoretsky Avenue, St. Petersburg, 194064, Russia



Active information development all over the world has predetermined the nature and methods of warfare. If the firepower in the recent past was the basis of success in any armed conflict, as of today, the basis of success is the reduction of the combat control cycles, fr om the target to detection to the decision of its hitting. Modern technical equipment of all management levels, situational centers in particular, allows achieving this. The most problematic side herewith is provision of stable, high-speed radio communication with the units staying in the field conditions, seaborne and airborne, wh ere fiber optic communication lines laying out is impossible.

One of the ways of solving this problem consists in equipping the physical level of the radio lines in use by the technology involving the time-space signal processing. This will enhance the radio line capabilities, and, besides conventional resources managing, allow managing the number of the antennae elements in use on both receiving and transmitting sides.

Analysis of works devoted to the transmitted data security at the physical level of radio links with similar technology revealed negligible attention to the issue. In this regard, the issue of developing a methodology for controlling a multi-antenna radio line is relevant.

A technique for resources managing of a radio line that employs space-temporal signal processing for data transmission and provides operators with modern communication services in in places where the fiber-optic communication lines laying-out is complicated or impossible, has been developed. The proposed approach allows operators data transmission by the radio line more secured from radio monitoring and noise immune. The power consumption herewith of the subscriber terminals of the presented radio line is much less. This is being achieved by a lower signal emission power, compared to subscriber terminals of similar technology, radio lines, and linearly depends on the distance to the subscriber terminal of the subscriber.


radio communication, communication system, multiple input, multiple output, broadband channel, noise immunity, tactical internet, information grid


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