Analysis of trajectory longitudinal motion of multimode supersonic unmanned vehicle developed by canard and tailless aerodynamic scheme

Aviation technics and technology
1, 1, 2*1. Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia
2. JSC NPO Molniya,
The research is conducted at the choice of an aerodynamic configuration of a multimode supersonic unmanned vehicle (MSUV) with subsonic ramjet and shield inlet. Investigations include an CFD aerodynamic calculations and longitudinal trajectory simulation. Measurement research is a М = 2… 4 by March number and Н = 100… 25 000 м by altitude. MSUV considered as prototype of a accelerator aircraft of a reusable aerospace system. Basic results is the program of a MSUV trajectory longitudinal motion and program defined optimal MSUV aerodynamic configuration with ramjet shield inlet. This aerodynamic configuration named “hybrid scheme” since optimal configuration combine behaviour of a canard and tailless schemes.Keywords:
a multimode supersonic unmanned vehicle; ramjet, shield inlet; hybrid aerodynamic configurationDownload