Combining traditional operations of sheet metall forming and superplasticity forming for parts of aircraft fabrication.

Aviation technics and technology


Kovalevich M. V.1*, Klimova A. A.2

1. ,
2. Tactical Missile Corporation, 7, Lenin str., Korolev, Moscow region, 105005, Russia



Many parts of aircraft manufacture of high strength and hard-alloys. One promising area of intensification of stamping operations is the application of superplasticity effect. It ensures the possibility of manufacturing complex shape parts with extremely high degrees of overall and local deformations. Due to the fact that the deformation is entirely due to thinning of the free part of the workpiece without moving the flange, and the degree of deformation is of great importance, the details prodused superplastic forming, have considerable variation in thickness. The successful development process requires the development of effective methods and ways of control the distribution of the thickness. The study demonstrated the effectiveness of combining processes stamping and to reduce the thinning of the SPF. Introduction of superplastic forming technology will create new construtions, reduce costs and cycle of components, shorten production preparation.


superplactic forming (SPF), variation in thickness, bending, stretching, to combine operations

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