Evaluation of stress concentration around micro-sized holes within simplified models of strain gradient elasticity

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-121-04


Korolenko V. A.*, Soliaev J. O.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia

*e-mail: korolenko.vmir@gmail.com
**e-mail: yos@iam.ras.ru


This paper presents the results for the modeling of the deformed state and the level of stress concentration around the micro-sized holes. Analytical solutions are derived for the deformations of an infinite plate containing a cylindrical hole within several simplified one-parametric models of the strain gradient elasticity theory (SGET). Namely, we used the simplified strain gradient elasticity theory, the couple stress theory, the dilatation gradient elasticity theory and the fully symmetric Gusev-Lurie theory, which all are the special cases of the general Mindlin-Tupin SGET. Linear elastic isotropic behavior of the material is assumed. New variant of the Papkovich-Neuber solution of SGET equations in terms of displacements is involved for analytical derivations. It is shown that this solution can be reduced to the standard Helmholtz decomposition for the gradient part of the displacement field and to the standard representation of its classical part. Based on the derived solutions we investigate the changes of the stress and strain state around the holes of different diameter. It is shown that the choice of a suitable variant of a simplified SGET model and identification of the length scale parameter for the certain materials can be performed based on the experimental data for the failure loads for the samples containing holes of different diameters (with a minimum size of ~100 µm). It is also shown that identification can be also carried out on the basis of direct methods of strain measurements around the small-sized holes, for example, by using digital image correlation methods, which requires the use of microscopy or, at least, macro photography techniques at the micro-scale level.


stress concentration, Kirsch problem, strain gradient elasticity theory, identification of length scale parameters


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