Study of the passage of a mixture of a radio pulse and narrowband noise through a phase detector

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-121-16


Ilyin A. G.*, Khafaga A. S.**

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, 10, Karl Marks str., Kazan, 420111, Russia



The article considers the possibility of applying structural dissimilarities between the mixture of valid signal and noise, and simply noise to receive weak signals in digital information transmission systems. The presented work demonstrates that for structural differences application for the task of a radio pulse detecting against the background of noise and interference, it is necessary to employ non-linear conversion. One of the technical solutions consists in a phase detector application. The article shows the possibility of the research results utilization for developing two-channel receiving units with enhanced noise immunity for digital signals transmission. The possibility of substantial noise immunity increase of the receiving unit by extra receiving channel application with phase detector is shown.

This signal receiving technique may be successfully employed in the regions remote from the cities devoid of the developed internet communication structure. The areas of national economy, included in State programs, such as »Far East Hectare» and similar purpose-oriented programs, financed by the local budgets of Russian Federation provinces and regions may be given as an example of the area of low-power digital data transmission systems employing.

State programs such as the Far Eastern hectare and similar targeted programmes financed from local budgets of regions and regions of the Russian Federation.


phase detector, noise immunity, radio pulse, narrowband noise


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