Virtual adaptive vector-matrix meter of the oxidizer of the combustion chamber of a gas turbine engine

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-121-21


Nikulin V. S.*, Khizhnyakov Y. N., Storozhev S. A.

Perm National Research Polytechnic University, PNRPU, 29, Komsomolsky Prospekt, Perm, 614990, Russia



Fuzzy logic methods have found wide application in control problems. However, when using the apparatus of fuzzy logic, it is necessary to sel ect models of fuzzy logical operations, being selected fr om empirical considerations. This complicates the algorithms construction for specific problems solving. Application of »classical» operations is justified only for solving simple problems and does not require a large number of rules. The purpose of the study consists in modernizing the vector-matrix approach applicable to the design of a neuro-fuzzy adaptive meter for the oxidizer of a gas turbine engine algorithm. The vector models application is being proposed, aimed at the ease of implementation, high speed and of the field application expansion.

Practical significance consists in application of the vector-matrix approach of adaptive fuzzy control in the design of the combustion chamber coefficient meter of a gas turbine engine allows computational accuracy increasing, training time reduction, the scope of application expanding at the non-deterministic objects automation in the MISO system.

Application of the matrix apparatus replaces the projections of the linguistic variable (term-set) vector with the fuzzy vectors. The main operations on fuzzy vectors are given in the works of M.A. Martsenyuk, on which basis the design of a vector fuzzy oxidizer of the combustion chamber of a gas turbine engine is considered. Relevant is application of a singleton base for fuzzifier fuzzy vectors activation, as well as the fuzzy forward and backward vector implicators application for the turboprop scalar control forming. Vector-matrix representation of the initial information is convenient when programming the state-of-the-art controllers of various objects. The disadvantage of this representation consists in the fact that it is not adaptable. Thus, the article proposes to supplement the vector part of the meter with Sugeno polynomials, which coefficients are being adjusted with the teacher by least squares method.


rectangular membership functions, predicates, production rules, fuzzy forward and backward implications, weighted average method, Sugeno polynomials


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