Methodology for assessing the quality of group interaction of robotic complexes in a variable phono-target environment

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2021-121-22


Sviridov V. V.

Peter the Great Strategic Missile Troops Academy, 17, Brigadnaya str., Serpukhov, Moscow region, 142210, Russia



The main priority of the Russian Federation in the field of military construction is the creation of a modern army, the basis of which are systems and complexes of weapons, military and special equipment, which include robotic complexes (RTK), providing an adequate response to the entire range of security threats, not only existing, but also likely in the future. Nowadays the nature of modern wars has significantly changed, which have become high-tech, dynamic and remote, requiring fundamentally new approaches to both their conduct and military-technical support. Therefore, to modern robotic security complexes strict and, as a rule, contradictory requirements on providing such quality indicators as reliability, efficiency and completeness of problem solving, which is explained, first of all, by a priori uncertain dynamic environment in which the complexes operate. Maintaining these quality indicators of RTK group control at a given level is the most important factor in ensuring effective protection of critical facilities.

With the increase of combat capabilities on the part of the enemy, the difficulty of controlling a group of RTK increases, it is no longer possible to maintain a given quality of their functioning manually. To solve this problem is possible only on the basis of automation of the process of RTK group control, i.e. development and creation of such adaptive system of group control of complexes, which under unpredictable influences of external conditions, based on analysis of own state of complexes changed values of parameters and/or structure of their interaction so that the preset quality of functioning of complexes for achieving common goal was kept.

The purpose of this article is to develop a methodology for assessing the quality of group interaction of RTK when countering the enemy, based on the assessment of the contribution of each group complex to solving the overall target task. Group interaction of complexes is formed by adapting the group control system of RTK to terrain conditions, changing quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the enemy.

The main problems facing the design of RTK is the complexity in the organization of their out-group and in-group interaction in a changing and non-deterministic environment, in the face of enemy opposition.

One of the ways to solve these problems is to build a hybrid control strategy, i.e. integration of functional capabilities of centralized, collective, swarm and swarm control, in which, depending on changing and uncertain out- and in-group conditions, behavior of each complex is built on coordinated actions with neighboring complexes, which, in turn, depend on intentions of the complex itself in given conditions.

In order to maintain a given quality of functioning of a group of complexes it is necessary to control the parameters, algorithms of their work and structure. At the same time control actions should be formed as a result of analysis of actual information received from means of reconnaissance RTK, internal controlled parameters of the complexes themselves.

We have developed a methodology to assess the quality of RTK group control under conditions of changing background conditions, which represents a complex of models, the results of which together allow to achieve the set goal, namely: a model of detection of the enemy by RTK reconnaissance means based on the analysis of influence of terrain conditions and enemy characteristics, a model of counteraction of a RTK group based on equations of average dynamics, a model of assessment of probability of enemy defeat by RTK group under conditions of changing number of parties and chaos.

The theoretical basis for the development of the presented methodology is the developed fundamental and applied research in the field of robotic control systems, viz:

  • artificial intelligence and intelligent robot control systems;
  • automatic control systems with variable structure;
  • adaptive predictive control systems;
  • theory and methods of optimizing the structure of information and control systems;
  • methods of secondary processing and image recognition;
  • spectral methods for analysis and synthesis of systems with random structure;
  • modeling of information systems;
  • nonlinear dynamics methods;
  • combat models;
  • operations research in military affairs.

The practical significance lies in the fact that the developed methodology of assessing the quality of group interaction of robotic complexes will allow to form the image of an adaptive system of group control of complexes, as well as to develop recommendations on the forms and methods of group application of RTK when solving problems of countering the enemy.


robotic complex, adaptive group interaction, non-deterministic external environment, enemy, probability of detection, probability of defeat, target distribution


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