Questions of optimization of the combined power supply of the UAV with the use of solar batteries and ground air transmission of energy by a laser beam

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-122-21


Aslanova A. B.

National Aerospace Agency of Azerbaijan Republic, NASA, 1, Suleyman Sani Akhundov str., Baku, AZ1115, Azerbaijan Republic



To ensure the reliable operation of the UAV, a promising solution is the wireless transmission of energy through specialized ground base stations. At the same time, such power supply systems are expensive and dangerous for the population due to the high intensity of the laser beam and excessive electromagnetic radiation. A partial solution to this problem is the joint transmission of information and energy from a single base station. There is also another solution to the problem - the use of solar panels. However, the effectiveness of such a solution is still too low. In this case, the power supply of the UAV can be carried out according to the following simple rule (1) If there is a cloud, then the power supply is carried out through ground base stations by sending high-intensity laser beams; (2) If there is no cloud, then solar power supply is used.

The case of a cloudy sky is considered in detail, when the UAV, by definition, flies at the level of the lower boundary of the cloud cover.

The problem of finding the optimal height of this boundary with a constant height of the upper boundary of the cloud layer is formulated and solved. The corresponding algorithm for the implementation of the proposed method has been compiled. The possibility of optimizing the construction of combined power supply systems for UAVs by minimizing the total energy losses along the paths of their propagation is considered. The case of a cloudy sky is considered in detail, when the UAV, by definition, flies at the level of the lower boundary of the cloud cover.

The problem of finding the optimal value of this height with a constant height of the upper boundary of the cloud layer is formulated and solved. The corresponding algorithm for the implementation of the proposed method has been compiled.


UAV, solar panel, atmosphere, efficiency, power supply


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