Creation of algorithms for the automatic control system of the convertible unmanned aerial vehicle

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-122-23


Apollonov D. V., Bibikova K. I.*, Shibaev M. V., Efimova I. E.

Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI), 1, Zhukovsky str., Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, 140180, Russia



Convertible unmanned aerial vehicle called a tiltrotor is considered. Tiltrotor can flight airplane mode and helicopter mode by changing the propulsion thrust vector by tilting the axes of rotation of the engines. The tiltrotor has the ability to make a vertical take-off and land, it can also perform horizontal flight at high-speed cruise. It is difficult to develop tiltrotor control system due to the variable characteristics of the UAV during flight. This paper describes analysis of methods for selecting controller parameters of control system regulators. When analyzing fault tolerance ensuring controllability imposes requirements on the choice of control laws in the angular motion control loop and trajectory motion control loop. In addition to the widely used PD- and PID-controllers and the linear-quadratic controller, algorithms based on the concept of the invers dynamic problem and fuzzy logic are considered. Results of research on the creation of algorithms for the automatic control system of a convertible unmanned aerial vehicle are presented. All the described methods were analyzed to ensure the robustness of the automatic control system in order to ensure the necessary quality of control in cases where the control object differs from the calculated one. In case of failure of individual elements of the system the characteristics of control object change during operation, this problem is also considered in this paper. A comparative assessment of various methods for implementing control loops for UAV trajectory and angular motion using proportional-integro-differential, linear-quadratic, nonlinear controllers and the method of the inverse dynamic problem is carried out to identify the advantages and disadvantages of all these methods.


automatic control system, PID-controller, linear-quadratic controller, fuzzy logic, the inverse problem of dynamics


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