Requirements for on-board optical-electronic means of aerial reconnaissance of aircraft

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-123-16


Belskiy A. B.1, 2

1. ,
2. National Helicopter Center Mil & Kamov, 26/1, Garshina str., Tomilino, Moscow region, 140070, Russia



The need for round-the-clock, all-weather and safe execution of combat and special missions by military aircraft, ensuring full situational awareness of the crew of the aircraft in the cockpit and the background situation under conditions of enemy information countermeasures impose increased requirements on airborne reconnaissance assets, namely on the functional characteristics of airborne monitoring, detection and recognition of targets, as well as determination of their coordinates and target designation

Airborne reconnaissance (monitoring) is carried out by special airborne technical means of reconnaissance of the aircraft, providing acquisition, registration, indication, processing and transfer of necessary data on objects and target environment.

Technical reconnaissance facilities include radar, radio-technical, and optoelectronic systems operating in various spectral wavelength ranges, independently or together in various combinations.

Optical-electronic systems are the most effective means for solving air reconnaissance tasks and obtaining information about the location and types of enemy objects due to their passive operation mode and high level of image resolution of targets (objects), including in complex background-target and operational-tactical environments.

The article discusses and analyzes the features of creating on-board optoelectronic systems to expand the capabilities of on-board optoelectronic systems for conducting aerial reconnaissance: building a system based on functionally-constructive unified subsystems and modules; multi-channel; using a hyperspectral channel for detecting, recognizing hidden, disguised objects; intellectualization of functioning; integration of individual subsystems and channels; automation of the processes of mutual alignment of channels, built-in monitoring and troubleshooting; automatic tracking of areal, point objects, with the allocation and further tracking of several targets; stabilization of the line of sight; interfacing with sensors for obtaining heterogeneous information; application of digital information processing methods; generation of output data from various sensors for processing and solving recognition problems; ensuring group interaction as part of the various control circuits.


optoelectronic systems, radar systems, image integration, information channels, processing algorithms


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