Method for adaptive control of the longitudinal movement of a small-sized aircraft with a signal limitation of the integral component

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-124-18


Abadeev E. M.*, Piskunova O. I.*, Tretyakov A. V.*

Dubna State University, Dubna, Moscow region, Russia



The article conducts the studies of characteristics of the promising control and longitudinal motion stabilization system of a dynamic object, such as a small-sized aircraft (SSA), based on the technique of the adaptive signal formation [1, 2].

The study of the control method being considered was conducted by the mathematical modeling method of an isolated pitch channel with implementation of the proposed SSA control laws at rather characteristic external impacts on it. Simulation was being performed under conditions of changes by the given “slow motions” law [3] of the flight parameters such as altitude and velocity.

Comparison of the control processes of the SSA with the system being proposed and control processes with the conventional proportional-differential control technique [4] adapted to the given situation in [5, 6, 7] was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of the newly introduced control specifics.

The relevance of the presented work consists in the fact that the velocity increase being achieved by the proposed technique, overshoot degree reduction and, correspondingly, increasing the control signals processing accuracy may contribute to the SSA maneuvering and controllability characteristics improvement.


adaptive control, angular stabilization system, small-sized aircraft, stability, controllability


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