Electrodynamic accelerator control system with calculation of motion parameters in real time

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-124-20


Piyakov A. V.*, Sukhachev K. I.**, Dorofeev A. S.***, Bandyaev V. A.****

Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia

*e-mail: piyakov@ssau.ru
**e-mail: kir.sukhachev@gmail.com
***e-mail: alexandrdorofeev.ikp@yandex.ru
****e-mail: bandyaev.va@ssau.ru


The work relates to the field of accelerator technology and is devoted to improving the control system of an electrodynamic linear accelerator of dusty charged particles. The existing accelerator is used to simulate the factors of the space environment and makes it possible to study the effect of high-speed micron-sized particles on the elements of the surface of the spacecraft under conditions close to real. However, this accelerator has a complex control system that requires the operator to control a large number of parameters in real time and to constantly adjust during the experiment. The need to measure physical quantities and calculate particle parameters, as well as manual control, increase the error in the formation of accelerating pulses in the dynamic section, which leads to inefficient particle acceleration or the loss of most of them.

The article proposes a new method for controlling a dynamic accelerator, the basis of which is a method for determining the parameters of a particle, which makes it possible to refuse any measurements other than time-of-flight, made in an improved measuring section. The structure of the measurement section is presented in the article, while it is clear that minor changes are required in the already existing design of the accelerator. A control system has been developed that allows, according to data from time-of-flight sensors, to automatically control the dynamic section of the accelerator with high accuracy. This is achieved, among other things, by refusing to use memory banks with pre-calculated voltage switching times on the drift tubes. In the new control system, the calculation of the particle position and its instantaneous velocity occurs in real time, since the calculation of the particle's specific charge is no longer required. Knowing the position of the particle in the path allows timely switching of the voltage on the drift tubes while the particle is inside them.

The proposed method for determining the particle parameters and the control system have a calculation error associated with the discreteness of the measured time intervals. An analysis of the error and its influence on the acceleration process was carried out, from which it is clear that the system allows particles to be accelerated in a wide range of specific charges, and the maximum deviation of the particle coordinate when switching the voltage on the drift tubes does not cause it to leave the fieldless space of the drift tube. In addition, the system has a margin of accuracy, since the simulation was carried out for the existing accelerator design and an increase in the frequency of time-of-flight sensors and a computer is not required, although this is possible if necessary.

Thus, the proposed method for controlling a dynamic accelerator makes it possible to automate the process of conducting experiments and increase the efficiency of particle acceleration in an extended range of charges, masses, and initial velocities, and also makes it possible to increase the number of accelerating sections, thereby increasing the equivalent accelerating voltage of the system.


particle accelerator, electrodynamic accelerator, microparticles, control system, FPGA, IP-core, microcontrollers, real-time computation


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