Technology of image transmission in an ultrasonic communication line

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-125-15


Moroz A. V.*, Sahno I. V.*, Sherstuk A. V.*

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



The paper presents a description of a large-scale physical modeling of a data transmission channel in the ultrasonic range through a medium, designed to solve the problems of evaluating testing of ground-based tests of an end-to-end radar path of a spacecraft with a synthesized aperture antenna and ground-based equipment for digital processing and formation of radar images. As a subject of research, digital information packages are considered, formed from a color or monochrome image, sequentially transmitted through a distribution medium. The main elements of an ultrasonic data transmission system are similar to those used in radio data transmission channels.

The need to solve this problem is due to the shortcomings of mathematical modeling in the form of introduced restrictions and assumptions. Thus, the aim of the work is to develop algorithms, software modules for transmitting raster (amplitude, analog) images and clarifying the research methodology on an ultrasonic data transmission system, as an integral part of the laboratory layout of the end-to-end radar path of a spacecraft with a synthesized antenna aperture.

The proposed large-scale physical modeling is based on the principle of line-by-line formed from a raster image of digital information packets that are sequentially transmitted in the ultrasonic range. After receiving and digital processing by a software receiver, the information is restored in the form of an image matrix.

The result of the work is a developed laboratory setup in the form of an ultrasonic data transmission system, which makes it possible to obtain an assessment of the quality of transmitted information packets with bitmap images. The technique for studying the noise immunity of a digital ultrasonic data transmission line has been refined. Algorithms for digital signal processing and software for the ultrasonic data transmission system have been improved. The technical characteristics of the layout are experimentally determined and the limits of its change are specified. The values of the signal-to-noise ratio are determined, at which there are no failures during the transmission of a raster image with a size of about bits.

It is shown that the implemented model of the ultrasonic data transmission system can be used for image transmission when modeling the end-to-end information path of earth remote sensing systems. The visibility of the simulation results makes it possible to use the ultrasonic data transmission system in the educational process when studying the principles of construction and operation of data transmission systems and methods of programmatic signal reception and processing.

The next stage of the work will be the transfer of acoustic holograms obtained at the location acoustic complex, which will make it possible to form a hardware-software stand for modeling the radar channel of a spacecraft with a synthesized antenna aperture.


radar channel, modeling, ultrasonic data transmission channel, digital quadrature receiver


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