A model for evaluating the control efficiency of multi-satellite orbital systems

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-125-24


Minakov E. P.*, Privalov A. E.*, Bugaichenko P. Y.*

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia

*e-mail: vka@mil.ru


The article is devoted to solving the important problem of evaluating the control efficiency of multi-satellite orbital systems. The article introduces definitions of an orbital system (OS), a multi-satellite OS (MS), and an control system of OS. The relevance of the problem of evaluating the control efficiency of MS by stochastic modeling is substantiated. Based on the principle of A.N.Kolmogorov, the MS control efficiency indicator has been identified and its mathematical model has been developed. The mathematical formulation of the problem of evaluating the control efficiency of MS, which consists in determining the efficiency coefficient of management, expressing the degree of achieving optimal efficiency at the current values of the controlled parameters, is realised. A model for evaluating the efficiency of MS management in the form of a continuous Markov chain has been developed. With the application of the developed model, the evaluation of the control efficiency of a perspective MS of remote sensing the Earth based on the Berkut spacecrafts, which is being developed within the framework of the Sphere program, has been carried out. The dependences of the control efficiency on the quality indicators of the control system for solving various remote sensing tasks has been obtained. The developed model can be used at the stage of development of methods, techniques and algorithms of MS control for their elaboration, verification, calibration, optimization, evaluation of the impact of their quality indicators on the control efficiency of MS, and also for justification of requirements for them and confirmation of compliance with the declared requirements.


multi-satellite orbital systems, control system, Markov model, control efficiency


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