Development of USRP verification methodology for high-precision radio system research

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2022-127-12


Abramov A. A.*, Yakush N. A.**

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), 4, Volokolamskoe shosse, Moscow, А-80, GSP-3, 125993, Russia



Currently, in telecommunications, there are problems of inefficient use of spectrum [3], the inability to flexibly control hardware devices, which have led to an increasing interest in software-controlled radio (SDR), which has proven itself as a reliable system for thorough analysis of radio frequency signals with the possibility of flexible control and modification [4].

One of the prominent representatives of SDR is the high-precision and inexpensive USRP 2901 model from the 29xx series from National Instruments, capable of solving the problems of prototyping radio systems, radio reconnaissance, direction finding, creating local positioning systems, developing coherent multi-channel transceiver systems and solving other important problems in the aerospace sphere.

This work is devoted to the development and testing of the method of verification of USRP 29xx series devices for high-precision experimental studies for solving problems of a wide range in the field of information communications using the Omega radio complex. The subject of the study is the evaluation of the effectiveness of using SDR on the NI platform.

To obtain the data closest to the true ones, to exclude the maximum number of different types of errors, the work analyzed in detail the plan and stages of experiments, in particular, the planning of experiments at the tactical level, the description of which is indicated in the publications [18, 19]. The calculation of the required sample ensures the required probability and reliability of the results [20]. However, there is no information in the technical documentation for USRP devices that they can be used for high-precision research. After planning the experiments, a method for verifying devices was developed, which included specific 6 stages of experiments that evaluate physical values that characterize the accuracy and quality of USRP equipment.

The following results were obtained as a result of testing this method:

  1. The frequency error of the transmitted signal is determined and recommendations for setting the frequency shift function of the generator are proposed.
  2. A decrease in the average signal power in the middle of the Wi-Fi band (2.4 GHz) was recorded. Hence, weak signals will be less efficient to transmit over a given range.
  3. Linear and uniform amplification of the radio signal was noted, regardless of the selected frequency, when the gain deviates not more than 5 dB from the average value, which is much better than, for example, the RTL-SDR amplifier.
  4. It is advisable to use an amplifier on Wi-Fi radio channels only up to 54 dB, then it is irrational.
  5. Connecting a power supply to USRP does not significantly affect the shape of the spectrum unless both channels of the USRP device are used.


wireless networks, SDR, USRP, IEEE 802.11, frequency spectrum, prototyping of radio systems, high-precision experiment


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