Circuit design methodology for an integrating pendulum accelerometer

DOI: 10.34759/trd-2023-128-18


Vatutin M. A.*, Klyuchnikov A. I., Petrov D. G., Sudar Y. M.*

Mlitary spaсe Aсademy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia



The task of navigation consists in determining the true parameters of the of the aircraft center of mass motion and allows determining such navigation parameters as the linear coordinates of the place, as well as the magnitude and direction of the flight velocity vector in the selected coordinate system. The acceleration value being obtained from the accelerometer must be integrated twice to determine the linear coordinate. The pendulum positional accelerometer is convenient to be employed for the integrating mode of its operation. It is convenient to employ in the available accelerometer the measured acceleration integrating mode rather than the measuring mode itself for obtaining the first integral of the apparent acceleration being measured. For this purpose, an integrating capacitor with signal conversion circuits and periodic reset of the accumulated voltage is usually included in the feedback circuit.

The article considers schematic solutions in the electrical circuit of the signal conversion device of a positional pendulum accelerometer for obtaining an integrating mode of its operation. The converting device circuit is based on the self-oscillating ramp generator with controlled input, which consist of two basic parts, namely integrator and Shmitt trigger. The output signal of the ramp generator is a time interval. Accelerometer connection to the ramp generator allows forming on its output a signal in the form of relative time interval change proportional to the apparent acceleration integral, i.e. the apparent velocity.

Characteristics analysis of the accelerometers applied in the state-of-the-art technology reveals that at maximum input exposure, the current value of the torque sensor takes values in the tens of milliamps, depending on the specific type of accelerometer and the measurement range. For the electronic circuit of the integrating accelerometer with ramp generator, this means that the operational amplifiers of the ramp generator, actually consume currents of tens of milliamps throughout the time to ensure the circuit operation. The article considered schematic solutions for ramp generator connecting the accelerometer, which significantly reduce the current consumed by the ramp generator while operation, namely buffer amplifier; electronic current divider, and connection via a current sensor.

A technique for schematic design of the integrating pendulum accelerometer has been developed.


accelerometer, integrating accelerometer, apparent velocity, ramp function generator, current mirror, voltage-current converter


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